As a kid, I always had my nose in a book. When I got to university, I couldn’t decide which I liked better - books or biology. So I studied both!

In biology labs, I fell through the microscope lens into a world of intricate, infinitesimal beauty. I became a botanist, studying how mosses are related to each other and how fungi live invisibly inside their leaves (all plants have these!!).

Grimmia pulvinata

At some point, I realized that I would rather tell stories about science than actually DO science. Now I write books about all the weird and wonderful creatures we share our planet with.

Fun facts:

Volkwagen van in the desert near a road sign that says Lima

My husband and I drove from North Carolina to Argentina in our van that we named Tortuga (turtle in Spanish), traveling through 13 countries.

I love dipping in the cold ocean, especially in winter.

I’ve lived in a van, a sailboat, and an RV. Now I live with my neurospicy family in a house we built with our own hands.